new MasonryTemplate( [ options [, element ] ] )

The Masonry template for FooGallery.


This template makes use of the popular Masonry library to perform its layout. It supports two basic layout types, fixed and column based.

Name Type Attributes Description
options FooGallery.MasonryTemplate~Options <optional>

The options for the template.

element jQuery | HTMLElement <optional>

The jQuery object or HTMLElement of the template. If not supplied one will be created within the parent element supplied to the initialize method.


The below shows the simplest way to create a Masonry gallery using this template, by simply initializing it on pre-existing elements.

<!-- The container element for the template -->
<div id="gallery-1" class="foogallery fg-masonry">
  <!-- Used by the masonry to handle responsive sizing -->
  <div class="fg-column-width"></div>
  <div class="fg-gutter-width"></div>
  <!-- A single item -->
  <div class="fg-item" data-id="[]">
    <div class="fg-item-inner">
      <a class="fg-thumb" href="[item.href]">
        <img class="fg-image" width="[item.width]" height="[item.height]"
        	title="[item.title]" alt="[item.description]"
        	data-srcset="[item.srcset]" />
        <!-- Optional caption markup -->
        <div class="fg-caption">
        	<div class="fg-caption-inner">
        	 <div class="fg-caption-title">[item.title]</div>
        	 <div class="fg-caption-desc">[item.description]</div>
  <!-- Any number of additional items -->

Options can be supplied directly to the .foogallery() method or by supplying them using the data-foogallery attribute. If supplied using the attribute the value must follow valid JSON syntax including quoted property names.

<!-- Supplying the options using the attribute -->
<div id="gallery-1" class="foogallery fg-masonry" data-foogallery='{"lazy": true, "template": {"layout": "col4"}}'>
	<!-- Snip -->
		// Supply the options directly to the method
			lazy: true,
			template: {
				layout: "col4"

If required the templates container element can be created from just options however a parent element must be supplied to the initialize method. The created gallery container is appended to the supplied parent. When creating galleries this way all items must be supplied using the items option.

<div id="gallery-parent"></div>
		// Create the template using just options
		var tmpl = FooGallery.template.make({
			type: "masonry", // required when creating from options
			lazy: true,
			template: {
				layout: "col4"
			items: [{
				id: "item-1",
				href: "https://url-to-your/full-image.jpg",
				src: "https://url-to-your/thumb-image.jpg",
				width: 250,
				height: 300,
				srcset: "https://url-to-your/thumb-image@2x.jpg 500w,https://url-to-your/thumb-image@3x.jpg 750w",
				title: "Short Item Title",
				description: "Longer item description but still fairly brief."
				// Any number of additional items
		// Supply the parent element to the initialize method


<nullable> masonry :Masonry

The current Masonry instance for the template.


This value is null until after the pre-init.foogallery event has been raised.

cls :FooGallery.MasonryTemplate~CSSClasses

The CSS classes for the Masonry template.

sel :FooGallery.MasonryTemplate~CSSSelectors

The CSS selectors for the Masonry template.

$el :jQuery

The jQuery object for the template container.


opt :FooGallery~Options

The options for the template.


template :object

Any custom options for the template.


id :string

The ID for the template.


createdSelf :boolean

Whether or not the template created its' own container element.


il8n :FooGallery~il8n

The il8n strings for the template.


items :FooGallery.Items

The item manager for the template.

<nullable> pages :FooGallery.Paging

The page manager for the template.


state :FooGallery.State

The state manager for the template.


<protected> create() → {jQuery}

Create a new container element for the template returning the jQuery object.


The following displays the raw HTML output by this method.

<div id="{current template id}" class="foogallery fg-masonry {additional classes}">
  <div class="fg-column-width"></div>
  <div class="fg-gutter-width"></div>

<protected> onPreInit( event, self )

Listens for the pre-init.foogallery event.


Performs all pre-initialization work required by the Masonry template, specifically handling the layout option and building up the required Masonry options.

Name Type Description
event jQuery.Event

The jQuery.Event object for the event.

self FooGallery.MasonryTemplate

The current instance of the template.

<protected> onParsedItems( event, self, items )

Listens for the parsed-items.foogallery event.


Instructs Masonry to perform a layout operation whenever items are parsed.

Name Type Description
event jQuery.Event

The jQuery.Event object for the event.

self FooGallery.MasonryTemplate

The current instance of the template.

items Array.<FooGallery.Item>

The array of items that were parsed.

<protected> onAppendedItems( event, self, items )

Listens for the appended-items.foogallery event.


Instructs Masonry to perform a layout operation whenever items are appended.

Name Type Description
event jQuery.Event

The jQuery.Event object for the event.

self FooGallery.MasonryTemplate

The current instance of the template.

items Array.<FooGallery.Item>

The array of items that were parsed.

<protected> onDetachItem( event, self, item )

Listens for the detach-item.foogallery event.


If not already overridden this method will override the default logic to detach an item and replace it with Masonry specific logic.

Name Type Description
event jQuery.Event

The jQuery.Event object for the event.

self FooGallery.MasonryTemplate

The current instance of the template.

item FooGallery.Item

The item to detach.

<protected> onDetachedItems( event, self, items )

Listens for the detached-items.foogallery event.


Instructs Masonry to perform a layout operation whenever items are detached.

Name Type Description
event jQuery.Event

The jQuery.Event object for the event.

self FooGallery.MasonryTemplate

The current instance of the template.

items Array.<FooGallery.Item>

The array of items that were detached.

initialize( [ parent ] ) → {Promise.<FooGallery.Template>}

Initialize the template.


Once resolved all options, objects and elements required by the template have been parsed or created and the initial load is complete.

Name Type Attributes Description
parent jQuery | HTMLElement | string <optional>

If no element was supplied to the constructor you must supply a parent element for the template to append itself to. This can be a jQuery object, HTMLElement or a CSS selector.


Raised before the template is fully initialized.

Raised before the template is initialized but after any pre-initialization work is complete.

Raised after the template is initialized but before any post-initialization work is complete.

Raised after the template is fully initialized and is ready to be interacted with.


Destroy the template.


Once this method is called it can not be stopped and the template will be destroyed.


Raised before the template is destroyed.

loadAvailable() → {Promise.<Array.<FooGallery.Item>>}

Check if any available items need to be loaded and loads them.


Resolves with an array of items as the first argument. If no items are loaded this array is empty.

raise( eventName [, args ] ) → {jQuery.Event}

Raises the supplied eventName on the template element.


This method also executes any listeners set on the template object itself. These listeners are not bound to the element but are executed after the event is raised but before any default logic is executed. The names of these listeners use the following convention; prefix the eventName with "on-" and then camel-case the result. e.g. "pre-init" becomes onPreInit.

Name Type Attributes Description
eventName string

The name of the event to raise.

args Array <optional>

An additional arguments to supply to the listeners for the event.


The jQuery.Event object or null if no eventName was supplied.


The following displays a listener for the "pre-init.foogallery" event in a sub-classed template.

FooGallery.MyTemplate = FooGallery.Template.extend({
	onPreInit: function(event, template){
		// do something

<static> extend( [ definition ] ) → {function}

Creates a new class that inherits from this one which in turn allows itself to be extended.


Every class created using this method has both the extend and override static methods added to it to allow it to be extended.

Name Type Attributes Description
definition Object <optional>

An object containing any methods to implement/override.


A new class that inherits from the base class.


The below shows an example of how to implement inheritance using this method.

// create a base Person class
var Person = FooGallery.utils.Class.extend({
	construct: function(isDancing){
		this.dancing = isDancing;
	dance: function(){
		return this.dancing;

var Ninja = Person.extend({
	construct: function(){
		// Call the inherited version of construct()
		this._super( false );
	dance: function(){
		// Call the inherited version of dance()
		return this._super();
	swingSword: function(){
		return true;

var p = new Person(true);
console.log( ); // => true

var n = new Ninja();
console.log( ); // => false
console.log( n.swingSword() ); // => true
	p instanceof Person && p.constructor === Person && p instanceof FooGallery.utils.Class
	&& n instanceof Ninja && n.constructor === Ninja && n instanceof Person && n instanceof FooGallery.utils.Class
); // => true

<static> override( name, fn )

Overrides a single method on this class.


This is a helper method for overriding a single function of a FooGallery.utils.Class or one of its child classes. This uses the FooGallery.utils.fn.addOrOverride method internally and simply provides the correct prototype.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the function to override.

fn function

The new function to override with, the _super method will be made available within this function.


The below example wraps the method with a new one that inverts the result. Note the override applies even to instances of the class that are already created.

var Person = FooGallery.utils.Class.extend({
  construct: function(isDancing){
    this.dancing = isDancing;
  dance: function(){
    return this.dancing;

var p = new Person(true);
console.log( ); // => true

Person.override("dance", function(){
	// Call the original version of dance()
	return !this._super();

console.log( ); // => false

Type Definitions


An object containing the default options for the Masonry template.


Apart from the layout option the template object is identical to the standard Masonry options.
Note that the template overrides and sets its' own values for the following options based primarily on the layout value; itemSelector, columnWidth, gutter, isFitWidth, percentPosition and transitionDuration.
The layout value can be classed into two categories, fixed width and column type layouts. You can see in the examples below the options the template sets for each of these types of layouts.

Name Type Attributes Description
template object <optional>

An object containing the custom options for the Masonry template.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
layout string <optional>

The layout to use for the template; "fixed", "col2", "col3", "col4" or "col5".

cls FooGallery.MasonryTemplate~CSSClasses <optional>

An object containing all CSS classes for the Masonry template.


For both fixed and column layouts the template sets the below option values.

	"itemSelector": ".fg-item", // this selector is generated from the classes.item.elem value.
	"columnWidth": ".fg-column-width", // this selector is generated from the classes.masonry.columnWidth value.
	"gutter": ".fg-gutter-width", // this selector is generated from the classes.masonry.gutterWidth value.
	"transitionDuration": 0 // disables masonry's inline transitions to prevent them overriding our CSS class transitions

For fixed layouts ("fixed") the template sets the below options. If a number was supplied for the columnWidth or gutter options it is applied to the relevant elements before they are replaced by the selector seen above.

	"isFitWidth": true,
	"percentPosition": false

For column layouts ("col2","col3","col4","col5") the template sets the below options.

	"isFitWidth": false,
	"percentPosition": true


An object containing the default CSS classes for the Masonry template.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
container string <optional>
"foogallery fg-masonry"

The base CSS class names to apply to the container element.

columnWidth string <optional>

The CSS class name to apply to the Masonry column sizer element.

gutterWidth string <optional>

The CSS class name to apply to the Masonry gutter sizer element.

layout object <optional>

An object containing all layout classes.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
fixed string <optional>

The CSS class name for a fixed width layout.

col2 string <optional>

The CSS class name for a two column layout.

col3 string <optional>

The CSS class name for a three column layout.

col4 string <optional>

The CSS class name for a four column layout.

col5 string <optional>

The CSS class name for a five column layout.

layouts string <optional>
"fg-masonry-fixed fg-masonry-2col fg-masonry-3col fg-masonry-4col fg-masonry-5col"

A space delimited string of all CSS class names from the layout object.


An object containing all CSS selectors for the Masonry template.


This object is automatically generated from a classes object and its properties mirror those except the class name values are converted into CSS selectors.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
container string <optional>

The CSS selector for the container element.

columnWidth string <optional>

The CSS selector for the Masonry column sizer element.

gutterWidth string <optional>

The CSS selector for the Masonry gutter sizer element.

layout object <optional>

An object containing all layout CSS selectors.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
fixed string <optional>

The CSS selector for a fixed width layout.

col2 string <optional>

The CSS selector for a two column layout.

col3 string <optional>

The CSS selector for a three column layout.

col4 string <optional>

The CSS selector for a four column layout.

col5 string <optional>

The CSS selector for a five column layout.