
Contains common url utility methods.


<static> parts( url ) → {FooGallery.utils.url~Parts}

Parses the supplied url into an object containing it's component parts.

Name Type Description
url string

The url to parse.


// alias the FooGallery.utils.url namespace
var _url = FooGallery.utils.url;

console.log( _url.parts( "http://example.com/path/?param=true#something" ) ); // => {"hash":"#something", ...}

<static> full( url ) → {string}

Given a url that could be relative or full this ensures a full url is returned.


Given a full url this will simply return it however if given a relative url this will create a full url using the current location to fill in the blanks.

Name Type Description
url string

The url to ensure is full.


null if the given path is not a string or empty.


// alias the FooGallery.utils.url namespace
var _url = FooGallery.utils.url;

console.log( _url.full( "http://example.com/path/" ) ); // => "http://example.com/path/"
console.log( _url.full( "/path/" ) ); // => "{protocol}//{host}/path/"
console.log( _url.full( "path/" ) ); // => "{protocol}//{host}/{pathname}/path/"
console.log( _url.full( "../path/" ) ); // => "{protocol}//{host}/{calculated pathname}/path/"
console.log( _url.full() ); // => null
console.log( _url.full( 123 ) ); // => null

<static> param( search, key [, value ] ) → {string}

Gets or sets a parameter in the given search string.

Name Type Attributes Description
search string

The search string to use (usually location.search).

key string

The key of the parameter.

value string <optional>

The value to set for the parameter. If not provided the current value for the key is returned.


The value of the key in the given search string if no value is supplied or null if the key does not exist.

A modified search string if a value is supplied.


Shows how to retrieve a parameter value from a search string.

// alias the FooGallery.utils.url namespace
var _url = FooGallery.utils.url,
	// create a search string to test
	search = "?wmode=opaque&autoplay=1";

console.log( _url.param( search, "wmode" ) ); // => "opaque"
console.log( _url.param( search, "autoplay" ) ); // => "1"
console.log( _url.param( search, "nonexistent" ) ); // => null

Shows how to set a parameter value in the given search string.

// alias the FooGallery.utils.url namespace
var _url = FooGallery.utils.url,
	// create a search string to test
	search = "?wmode=opaque&autoplay=1";

console.log( _url.param( search, "wmode", "window" ) ); // => "?wmode=window&autoplay=1"
console.log( _url.param( search, "autoplay", "0" ) ); // => "?wmode=opaque&autoplay=0"
console.log( _url.param( search, "v", "2" ) ); // => "?wmode=opaque&autoplay=1&v=2"

Type Definitions


A plain JavaScript object returned by the FooGallery.utils.url.parts method.

Name Type Description
hash string

A string containing a # followed by the fragment identifier of the URL.

host string

A string containing the host, that is the hostname, a :, and the port of the URL.

hostname string

A string containing the domain of the URL.

href string

A string containing the entire URL.

origin string

A string containing the canonical form of the origin of the specific location.

pathname string

A string containing an initial / followed by the path of the URL.

port string

A string containing the port number of the URL.

protocol string

A string containing the protocol scheme of the URL, including the final :.

search string

A string containing a ? followed by the parameters of the URL. Also known as "querystring".


FooGallery.utils.url.parts for example usage.