
This namespace contains common utility methods and code shared between our plugins.


This namespace relies on jQuery being included in the page prior to it being loaded.


new Class()

A base class providing some helper methods for prototypal inheritance.

new Bounds()

A simple bounding rectangle class.

new Factory()

A factory for classes allowing them to be registered and created using a friendly name.

new Debugger( key )

A debug utility class that can be enabled across sessions using the given key by storing its state in localStorage.

new Throttle( [ idle ] )

A timer to throttle the execution of code.



Contains common type checking utility methods.


Contains common function utility methods.


Contains common url utility methods.


Contains common string utility methods.


Contains common object utility methods.


Contains common utility methods and members for the CSS transition property.


<static> $ :jQuery

A reference to the jQuery object the library is registered with.


This is used internally for all jQuery operations to help work around issues where multiple jQuery libraries have been included in a single page.


The following shows the issue when multiple jQuery's are included in a single page.

<script src="jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script src="my-plugin.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-2.2.4.js"></script>
		$(".selector").myPlugin(); // => This would throw a TypeError: $(...).myPlugin is not a function

The reason the above throws an error is that the $.fn.myPlugin function is registered to the first instance of jQuery in the page however the instance used to create the ready callback and actually try to execute $(...).myPlugin() is the second. To resolve this issue ideally you would remove the second instance of jQuery however you can use the FooGallery.utils.$ member to ensure you are always working with the instance of jQuery the library was registered with.

<script src="jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script src="my-plugin.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-2.2.4.js"></script>
		$(".selector").myPlugin(); // => It works!

<static> version :string

The version of this library.



<static> versionCompare( version1, version2 ) → {number}

Compares two version numbers.


This method will compare two version numbers that conform to the basic MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format returning the result as a simple number. This method will handle short version string comparisons e.g. 1.0 versus 1.0.1.

Name Type Description
version1 string

The first version to use in the comparison.

version2 string

The second version to compare to the first.


0 if the version are equal.
-1 if version1 is less than version2.
1 if version1 is greater than version2.
NaN if either of the supplied versions do not conform to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.


The following shows the results of comparing various version strings.

console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "0", "0" ) ); // => 0
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "0.0", "0" ) ); // => 0
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "0.0", "0.0.0" ) ); // => 0
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "0.1", "0.0.0" ) ); // => 1
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "0.1", "0.0.1" ) ); // => 1
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "1", "0.1" ) ); // => 1
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "1.10", "1.9" ) ); // => 1
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "1.9", "1.10" ) ); // => -1
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "1", "1.1" ) ); // => -1
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "1.0.9", "1.1" ) ); // => -1

If either of the supplied version strings does not match the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format then NaN is returned.

console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "not-a-version", "1.1" ) ); // => NaN
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "1.1", "not-a-version" ) ); // => NaN
console.log( FooGallery.utils.versionCompare( "not-a-version", "not-a-version" ) ); // => NaN

<static> ready( callback )

Waits for the DOM to be accessible and then executes the supplied callback.

Name Type Description
callback FooGallery.utils~readyCallback

The function to execute once the DOM is accessible.


This method can be used as a replacement for the jQuery ready callback to avoid an error in another script stopping our scripts from running.

	// do something

<static> uniqueId( $element [, prefix ] ) → {string}

Generate and apply a unique id for the given $element.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
$element jQuery

The jQuery element object to retrieve an id from or generate an id for.

prefix string <optional>

A prefix to append to the start of any generated ids.


Either the $element's existing id or a generated one that has been applied to it.


// alias the FooGallery.utils namespace
var _ = FooGallery.utils;

// create some elements to test
var $hasId = $("<span/>", {id: "exists"});
var $generatedId = $("<span/>");
var $generatedPrefixedId = $("<span/>");

console.log( _.uniqueId( $hasId ) ); // => "exists"
console.log( $hasId.attr( "id" ) ); // => "exists"
console.log( _.uniqueId( $generatedId ) ); // => "uid-1"
console.log( $generatedId.attr( "id" ) ); // => "uid-1"
console.log( _.uniqueId( $generatedPrefixedId, "plugin-" ) ); // => "plugin-2"
console.log( $generatedPrefixedId.attr( "id" ) ); // => "plugin-2"

<static> removeUniqueId( $element )

Remove the id from the given $element if it was set using the uniqueId method.

Name Type Description
$element jQuery

The jQuery element object to remove a generated id from.


// alias the FooGallery.utils namespace
var _ = FooGallery.utils;

// create some elements to test
var $hasId = $("<span/>", {id: "exists"});
var $generatedId = $("<span/>");
var $generatedPrefixedId = $("<span/>");

console.log( _.uniqueId( $hasId ) ); // => "exists"
console.log( _.uniqueId( $generatedId ) ); // => "uid-1"
console.log( _.uniqueId( $generatedPrefixedId, "plugin-" ) ); // => "plugin-2"

<static> getViewportBounds( [ inflate ] ) → {FooGallery.utils.Bounds}

Gets the bounding rectangle of the current viewport.

Name Type Attributes Description
inflate number <optional>

An amount to inflate the bounds by. A positive number will expand the bounds outside of the visible viewport while a negative one would shrink it.

<static> getElementBounds( element ) → {FooGallery.utils.Bounds}

Get the bounding rectangle for the supplied element.

Name Type Description
element jQuery | HTMLElement | string

The jQuery wrapper around the element, the element itself, or a CSS selector to retrieve the element with.

<static> selectify( classes ) → {object|string}

Simple utility method to convert space delimited strings of CSS class names into a CSS selector.

Name Type Description
classes string | Array.<string> | object

A single space delimited string of CSS class names to convert or an array of them with each item being included in the selector using the OR (,) syntax as a separator. If an object is supplied the result will be an object with the same property names but the values converted to selectors.


Type Definitions

readyCallback( $ )

The callback for the FooGallery.utils.ready method.

Name Type Description
$ jQuery

The instance of jQuery the plugin was registered with.


Take a look at the FooGallery.utils.ready method for example usage.