(function($, _, _utils){

	_.ImageViewer = _utils.Class.extend(/** @lends FooGallery.ImageViewer */{
		 * @summary The main class for the Image Viewer template for FooGallery.
		 * @memberof FooGallery
		 * @constructs ImageViewer
		 * @param {(HTMLElement|jQuery|string)} element - The element to initialize the plugin on.
		 * @param {FooGallery.ImageViewer~Options} options - The options to initialize the plugin with.
		 * @augments FooGallery.utils.Class
		 * @borrows FooGallery.utils.Class.extend as extend
		 * @borrows FooGallery.utils.Class.override as override
		construct: function(element, options){
			 * @summary The options for the plugin.
			 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
			 * @name options
			 * @type {FooGallery.ImageViewer~Options}
			 * @description This property holds a copy of any user supplied options merged with the defaults.
			this.options = $.extend(true, {}, _.ImageViewer.defaults, options);
			 * @summary The jQuery object wrapping the templates items.
			 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
			 * @name $el
			 * @type {jQuery}
			 * @description This is the outer most element that wraps all the templates items and is generally the `foogallery` element.
			this.$el = $(element);
			 * @summary The jQuery object containing all items for the plugin.
			 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
			 * @name $items
			 * @type {jQuery}
			this.$items = this.$el.find('.fiv-inner-container > .fg-item');
			 * @summary The jQuery object that displays the current image count.
			 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
			 * @name $current
			 * @type {jQuery}
			this.$current = this.$el.find('.fiv-count-current');
			 * @summary The jQuery object for the previous button.
			 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
			 * @name $prev
			 * @type {jQuery}
			this.$prev = this.$el.find('.fiv-prev');
			 * @summary The jQuery object for the next button.
			 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
			 * @name $next
			 * @type {jQuery}
			this.$next = this.$el.find('.fiv-next');
		 * @summary Initialize the plugin performing initial binding of events and setting up of CSS classes.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function init
		init: function(){
			if (this.options.attachFooBox) {
				this.$el.on('foobox.previous', {self: this}, this.onFooBoxPrev)
					.on('foobox.next', {self: this}, this.onFooBoxNext);
			this.$prev.on('click', {self: this}, this.onPrevClick);
			this.$next.on('click', {self: this}, this.onNextClick);
		 * @summary Destroy the plugin cleaning up any bound events.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function destroy
		destroy: function(){
			if (this.options.attachFooBox) {
				this.$el.off('foobox.previous', this.onFooBoxPrev).off('foobox.next', this.onFooBoxNext);
			this.$prev.off('click', this.onPrevClick);
			this.$next.off('click', this.onNextClick);
		 * @summary Navigate to the previous item in the collection.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function prev
		 * @description If there is a previous item in the collection calling this method will navigate to it displaying its' image and updating the current image count.
		prev: function(){
			var $current = this.$items.filter('.fiv-active').removeClass('fiv-active'),
				$prev = $current.prev();

			if ($prev.length === 0) $prev = this.$items.last();
			this.$current.text($prev.index() + 1);
		 * @summary Navigate to the next item in the collection.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function next
		 * @description If there is a next item in the collection calling this method will navigate to it displaying its' image and updating the current image count.
		next: function(){
			var $current = this.$items.filter('.fiv-active').removeClass('fiv-active'),
				$next = $current.next();

			if ($next.length === 0) $next = this.$items.first();
			this.$current.text($next.index() + 1);
		 * @summary Handles the `"foobox.previous"` event allowing the plugin to remain in sync with what is displayed in the lightbox.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function onFooBoxPrev
		 * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
		onFooBoxPrev: function(e){
		 * @summary Handles the `"foobox.next"` event allowing the plugin to remain in sync with what is displayed in the lightbox.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function onFooBoxNext
		 * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
		onFooBoxNext: function(e){
		 * @summary Handles the `"click"` event of the previous button.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function onPrevClick
		 * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
		onPrevClick: function(e){
		 * @summary Handles the `"click"` event of the next button.
		 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer#
		 * @function onNextClick
		 * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
		onNextClick: function(e){

	 * @summary The defaults for the plugin.
	 * @memberof FooGallery.ImageViewer
	 * @name defaults
	 * @type {FooGallery.ImageViewer~Options}
	_.ImageViewer.defaults = {
		attachFooBox: true

	 * @summary Initializes the Image Viewer plugin on the matched elements using the supplied options.
	 * @memberof external:"jQuery.fn"
	 * @instance
	 * @function fgImageViewer
	 * @param {FooGallery.ImageViewer~Options} options - The options to initialize the plugin with.
	 * @returns {jQuery}
	$.fn.fgImageViewer = function(options){
		return this.each(function(){
			var fiv = $.data(this, "__FooGalleryImageViewer__");
			if (fiv){
			fiv = new _.ImageViewer(this, options);
			$.data(this, "__FooGalleryImageViewer__", fiv);

	 * @summary The options for the plugin.
	 * @typedef {object} FooGallery.ImageViewer~Options
	 * @property {boolean} [attachFooBox=true] - Whether or not to bind to FooBox's previous and next events and keep the plugin in sync with the lightbox.


	// This file contains the initialization code for the Image Viewer gallery. It makes use of the FooGallery.Loader
	// allowing for optimized loading of images within the gallery.

	// Use FooGallery.ready to wait for the DOM to be ready

		// Find each Image Viewer gallery in the current page
			var $gallery = $(this),
				// Get the options for the plugin
				options = $gallery.data("loader-options"),
				// Get the options for the loader
				loader = $.extend(true, $gallery.data("loader-options"), {
					oninit: function(){
						// the first time the gallery is initialized it triggers a window resize event
					onloaded: function(image){
						// once the actual image is loaded we no longer need the inline css used to prevent layout jumps so remove it

			// Find all images that have a width and height attribute set and calculate the size to set as a temporary inline style.
			// This calculated size is used to prevent layout jumps.
			// Once that is done initialize the plugin and the loader.
			$gallery.fgAddSize(true).fgImageViewer( options ).fgLoader( loader );

